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5 techniques to make more profits in screen printing



Making profits in screen printing is not a trick but a process. Following the process will not only ensure higher profits but also result in better customer satisfaction. Here is the list of 5 techniques that can be followed to make your business more profitable in screen printing.

Implementation of intelligent automation will begin to reduce your manufacturing costs, increase profits and assure competitiveness for your businesses. In order to intelligently automate, a lot of homework must be done, and it must be done thoroughly.
2 - MAINTENANCE - Supporting Intelligent Automation
Maintenance of both machine and equipment are utmost of importance.It is no more viewed as an expense. Rather, a more positive approach considers plant maintenance a profit center, which is critical not just to reduce overall operating cost but also to boost productivity of the plant in a big way.

  • Temperature 22ºC – 28ºC
  • Humidity 55 Rh or Less
  • Lighting - Yellow florescence (No UV lighting)
  • Dust control & static control

Every screen printing shop, regardless of size, workflow, equipment or application can benefit from creating and implementing such standard operating procedures. The operating procedures you write for your facility should be easy to read and follow. Experienced employees and new workers should be able to read the step-by-step instructions and execute all tasks Implementing standard operating procedures within your screen-printing shop. It can substantially maximize quality, streamline the workflow, reduce rejection and enhance productivity.
screen printer fails to understand benefits of training on regular basis. It just takes one hour per week time for each person involved in screen printing shop. It will also reduce supervisory needs at first. Set goals of training and education that will improve efficiency, productivity as well as organizational flexibility. Regular training will directly impact on human relation and morale as well.
Determine your company’s training needs and wants followed by your training options and select the right ones. Implement such programs and after successful implementation also evaluate programs.


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